Here are some of our dogs which are available for adoption throughout Europe. The dogs would travel from Bulgaria where we are based. If you are interested or need further details please contact us via the website or email or send private message via our Facebook page.
Before travelling all dogs are fully vaccinated, microchipped, have their passports and if old enough are spayed and neutered. If you show interest in a dog, a homecheck will be done to see whether the home you are offering is suitable for the dog. A homecheck includes someone coming by your home asking some questions. After a successful homecheck and signing the adoption papers your dog will be ready for travelling. As adopter you only pay for the travelling costs of the dog. Vaccinations, microchip, passports and spaying or neutering before travelling are all covered by the sanctuary. To give an idea of the costs: travelling to the UK costs around £400, depending on the distance.
Please click on the pictures below to find out more about the dogs. Don’t hesitate to ask us questions when interested!